Sense and Sensibility: A Timeless Classic

Hi! This is Clara, and here’s my review on Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. Although Sense and Sensibility is a bit hard to read (the book was published in 1811), I really enjoyed it. Some people might think that the book is not worth the read because of how long ago it was written. However, I felt I could relate to the characters, despite the fact that 1811 was very different from today. 

Sense and Sensibility tells the story of two sisters, Marianne and Elinor. Elinor, the elder sister, shows her sense by the way she acts in different circumstances throughout the book. Even in her times of difficulty, she shows sympathy towards her sister and acts with good judgment. Marianne, on the other hand, acts more impulsively on her emotions without care of propriety. This sensibility in some ways drives the problems she faces throughout the book. In the beginning of the book, the girls’ father dies, leaving them practically penniless. Elinor’s half brother, John Dashwood Jr., inherits everything from his father, but gives nothing to his half sisters. Marianne and Elinor, along with their mother and younger sister, Margaret, are forced to watch as their house is taken over by their half brother and his selfish wife, Fanny. Already, the difference in the characters of Marianne and Elinor are shown. Elinor, despite horrible circumstances, is courteous and respectful towards John and Fanny. Marianne, on the contrary, barely says a word to them. 

Sense and Sensibility is the perfect novel for fans of English Victorian and Pre-Victorian literature. The book is written in a similar style and period as arguably Austen's finest work, Pride and Prejudice. Some other books written by her that I enjoyed are Emma, Northanger Abbey, and Lady Susan. I highly recommend checking out all of these books!

All in all, I think that Sense and Sensibly is an amazing, timeless classic. I think that the book will still be loved ages from now.

- Clara


  1. Those are some cool points on Sense and Sensibility. I really liked how you worked in the title to your blog by writing about the sisters' sense.

  2. It definitely sounds like a hard read, but the plot of the Sense and Sensibility sounds very interesting! I'll have to try to read it sometime!

  3. I might have to check this book about. It seems like a very deep and interesting plot with the differences in personality!

  4. I enjoy Jane Austen's work but have yet to read this one. This was a helpful explanation on the plot and the type of read it is.

  5. I've heard of this book before, and thought about reading it, but I never really knew what it was about. But your quick description of the book sounds really interesting, so I'll start reading it soon!

  6. This is a great description of Sense and Sensibility! I like how you equate "sense" with the character of Elinor, and "sensibility" with her sister, Marianne. It got me thinking about the words "sense," and "sensibility." It's funny that Marianne is connected to sensibility but doesn't sound very sensible. Maybe the word is "sensitive." Does Austen ever use the word "sensitive"?

  7. (Comment written by Naomi)
    Hi Clara! Wow, I haven't read this book yet but I want to now! It seems really interesting how the sisters have such different personalities, that definitely caught my attention. Thanks for the book recommendation!


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